Sharon Salzberg

Our Five Favorite Books for 2020

Our Five Favorite Books for 2020

While 2020 will undoubtedly live in history as a year that people will want to put behind them, these five books each offer wisdom that we will want to keep with us and take forward into 2021. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy these books and deepen your appreciation for, and practices around, compassionate leadership.

The Compassionate Leader Interview with Chris Whitehead

The Compassionate Leader Interview with Chris Whitehead

Laura Berland and Evan Harrel of the Center for Compassionate Leadership recently sat down with Chris Whitehead for his podcast, The Compassionate Leader Interview. Listen to the podcast here and read a summary of the interview. (Note: Podcast was recorded prior to COVID-19 galvanizing everyone’s focus, and therefore does not touch on the global pandemic.)