Welcome CCARE Community!

Thank you for your commitment to compassion and playing your part in building a more compassionate world. We are excited to be with you on this journey!

The Center for Compassionate Leadership is a nonprofit dedicated to the intersection of compassion and leadership, accelerating the development of compassionate cultures, leaders, and practices around the globe.

Here are a few suggestions to add to your compassion resources:

Our themed weekly newsletter offers compassionate leadership insights, thought leadership, research, book reviews, events, and Practice Matters wisdom bites. You can subscribe to our newsletter here.

The Center for Compassionate Leadership blog has covered a broad range of topics and issues.

We also have a selection of curated studies in our Resource section.

Check out an assortment of recent Practice Matters. These are short wisdom bites to inspire us into compassionate action for ourselves and the greater good.

Upcoming training programs this fall include Compassionate Leadership and Resilience for Global Leaders. You can sign up for early notification here.

The quarterly Global Compassion Gathering for community, reflection, and practice in March featured CCARE’s Monica Worline. We are pleased that Monica will be co-hosting our next event in July with guest speaker Scott Shute of LinkedIn. Details to be announced in our upcoming newsletter.