Influence and Persuasion: How to Tap Into Your Potential Power
1:00 PM13:00

Influence and Persuasion: How to Tap Into Your Potential Power

When we experience feelings of ineffectiveness or invisibility, there’s evidence to suggest that we may be overlooking our own power of influence, says Cornell professor Vanessa Bohns, author of the book You Have More Influence Than You Think.

Our words, actions, even our presence, can profoundly affect other people—but we often misread the situation or underestimate ourselves. Emotions and cognitive biases often get in the way.

Through extensive behavioral research and workplace study, Professor Bohns has developed strategies for us to better observe our influence, reconsider our fear of rejection, and sometimes even use our influence more sparingly. She encourages us to recognize the influence we already possess rather than seeking new ways to gain it.

Look into the hidden potential of our everyday interactions and begin to understand the significant influence you may wield, perhaps unknowingly. Then you can start to increase your power of influence and persuasion.

What You'll Learn

  • How to be more mindful and present in your interactions with others

  • How to get better at asking for things

  • How to get better at saying no

  • How to recognize and harness our influence for good by building stronger relationships and creating more supportive environments

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Using Social Media As A Tool To Unite
8:00 AM08:00

Using Social Media As A Tool To Unite

With Robin Banerjee, Alison Jane Martingano, Poppy Wood, Fentse Malatji, Patrick Riccards and Mayah Riaz

We hear a great deal about how divisive social media can be. And it’s true - algorithms are deliberately designed to make sure your feed is full of stuff you agree with. And the depersonalization that can come from communicating with someone from behind a computer screen means that people often behave far more aggressively online than they would in person. But social media is human-made. We’ve designed it to do this. What could social media be like if we used it more responsibly and designed it so that it promoted connection? And how do we make that a reality given the current design (not to mention ownership) of these platforms?

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Positive Links Speaker Series - In the Crosshairs: A Stakeholder-First Framework for Navigating Bias and Preempting Backlash Against Women Leaders with Aparna Joshi
1:00 PM13:00

Positive Links Speaker Series - In the Crosshairs: A Stakeholder-First Framework for Navigating Bias and Preempting Backlash Against Women Leaders with Aparna Joshi

In today’s polarized world, women leaders who have navigated immense barriers to reach the very highest levels encounter uncharted territory once they get to the top. They often face harsh judgments and heightened scrutiny. While some stakeholders may certainly be receptive, many others may either overtly or covertly raise concerns about women in leadership positions.

Drawing from her cutting-edge research, Aparna Joshi will share a stakeholder-first approach organizations can take to counteract bias and foster a more inclusive environment at the highest levels, helping to reduce friction and the spread of misinformation about women leaders in a polarized environment. She’ll discuss how mapping stakeholders and developing customized strategies based on motivations and the sources of uncertainty or anxiety can help resist or deter gender biases.

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of a stakeholder-first approach and its implications for building a more equitable and inclusive leadership landscape. Join us to discover actionable insights and strategies you can implement in your organization to support women’s leadership and curb bias effectively.

Speaker - Aparna Joshi, Professor of Management & Organizations, University of Michigan

Host - Monica Worline, Faculty Director, Center for Positive Organizations

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Bridging Divides: Communication Skills for a More Peaceful World
12:00 PM12:00

Bridging Divides: Communication Skills for a More Peaceful World

with Matthew Legge

What can we do in the face of so much deep societal polarization and unrest? Learning to communicate with one another more effectively and compassionately is crucial. Join us for an inspiring, practical, and interactive workshop with author Matt Legge, who will share practical tips for better quality disagreements and conversations across divides. As well as learning the theory, there will also be an opportunity to practice and hone your listening and communication skills with others in Zoom.

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Growing Compassion for Men and Boys
12:00 PM12:00

Growing Compassion for Men and Boys

with Paul Gilbert, Steven Hayes, Chris Germer and Daniel Ellenberg

You are invited to a thoughtful, powerful, and important conversation on the transformative power of compassion and self-compassion for boys and men. We have the good fortune of learning from three major thought leaders and practitioners in the integration of psychology, mindfulness, and compassion. Our panelists are central theorists and developers of Compassion Focused Therapy (Paul Gilbert), Mindful Self-Compassion (Chris Germer), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Steven Hayes). The panel moderator will be Daniel Ellenberg, founder of the Men and Boys Compassion Coalition. The conversation will include their own experiences, research findings, and practical recommendations on both why we need to focus on compassion and self-compassion as essential male traits and how we can overcome the factors that stop compassion and self-compassion from becoming core male traits. The conversation will be both thought-provoking and practical.

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The Unlikely Key to Compassion
12:00 PM12:00

The Unlikely Key to Compassion

How willingness to feel your pain unlocks the door to compassion with Rachel Kaplan

In a world marked by division, pain, and challenges, it's easy to find our hearts hardening and our compassion waning. Yet, the capacity to heal pain and keep our hearts open is exactly what’s needed to make positive contributions to the world. What can we do to keep the flame of compassion alive?

Rachel Kaplan; author, TEDx speaker and licensed psychotherapist, will teach us techniques to release emotional pain and restore balance to our inner worlds. By nurturing our own emotional well-being, we can cultivate the compassion and strength needed to build a more peaceful and harmonious world.

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How To Make This Year Happier with Prof. Cassie Holmes
12:00 PM12:00

How To Make This Year Happier with Prof. Cassie Holmes

How can we use our time wisely and be happier in 2025?

Time is our most precious resource. We all have just 24 hours a day but our culture glorifies being busy and leaves us feeling like we never have enough. We can’t add more hours to the day, so how can we experience lives that are not just full, but also fulfilling?

At this special event Professor Cassie Holmes will explain how we can immediately improve life by changing how we perceive and invest our time. She will share new insights and tools to help you spend your time wisely, avoid distractions, create more joyful moments, build a purposeful schedule and look back without regrets.

Cassie's ground-breaking research will help you feel less overwhelmed, more present and more satisfied with your life overall. And she'll explain how it all starts by transforming just one hour into what she calls a "happier hour".

So join us and get 2025 off to a really positive start - with practical, science-based advice to live better. By investing in what really matters, you can change your life for the better.

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Positive Links Speaker Series - Speaking the Unspoken: Cracking the Rules of the Workplace 
2:00 PM14:00

Positive Links Speaker Series - Speaking the Unspoken: Cracking the Rules of the Workplace 

As an organizational psychologist and DEI expert, Dr. Washington has worked with organizations and leaders across industries in developing and executing impactful strategies. With her latest book, Unspoken: A Guide to Cracking the Hidden Corporate Code, Washington unpacks the unspoken rules of the workplace that all professionals must navigate for career success. Dr. Washington will equip the audience with tools and tactics for navigating the “if you know you know” moments of the office by highlighting real life examples and providing best practices for navigating these unspoken rules of work. Participants will walk away feeling armed with strategies that can build up their career playbooks for achieving their professional goals.

Speaker - Ella F. Washington, Professor of the Practice, Department of Management, Georgetown University, Author of Unspoken and The Necessary Journey

Host - Monica Worline, Faculty Director, Center for Positive Organizations

Register here for this free online event. Please note, this event has been standardized to the Eastern Time Zone.

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Inner Refuge: Mindfulness Practices for Sustaining Strength in Crisis
12:00 PM12:00

Inner Refuge: Mindfulness Practices for Sustaining Strength in Crisis

This topic explores how mindfulness helps healthcare professionals create an "inner refuge" for themselves, a space of stability and calm during crises, including larger world issues or personal challenges.

Sharon Salzberg is a meditation pioneer, world-renowned teacher, NY Times bestselling author of thirteen books, and co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts. She is among the first to bring meditation to mainstream American culture 50 years ago, inspiring generations of meditation teachers and wellness influencers.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Utilize coping strategies and techniques that can be implemented in daily life to reduce stress (including negativity toward ourselves) and promote mental calmness.

  • Summarize how mindfulness meditation practices lead to the development of increased mental clarity, tranquility and compassion.

  • Experience the effects of a non-sectarian contemplative method that balances the stressors of crisis.

Register here for this free online event. Please note, this event has been standardized to the Eastern Time Zone.

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Be The Change: Setting Your New Year's Intentions with Reggie Hubbard
12:00 PM12:00

Be The Change: Setting Your New Year's Intentions with Reggie Hubbard

Let’s begin the New Year with intention! Through meaningful commitments, we can create ripples of positive change in our own lives and beyond. Using guided meditation, sound meditation and journaling prompts, Reggie Hubbard will lead us in this contemplation of how we want to show up and grow in 2025. Join us to set the tone for an expansive, creative, and compassionate year ahead.

Reggie Hubbard is the founder and Chief Serving Officer of Active Peace.  He is a gifted strategist, teacher and communicator with an innate ability to inspire change and simplify chaos. The guiding principle behind his work has been a commitment to truth telling, healing, social justice and holding space for transformation– as an activist, organizer, teacher and human being.

He began yoga and meditation practices under extreme emotional distress at work. Through the blessing of ancestral guidance, consistent practice and curiosity he offers peace practices to all walks of life through sound, asana, meditation, wisdom sharing and community care.

Register here for this free online event. Please note, this event has been standardized to the Eastern Time Zone.

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