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How to Move from Conflict to Convergence with Mariah Levison and Robert Fersh

The webinar will focus on a new book, From Conflict to Convergence: Coming Together to Solve Tough Problems, by Mariah Levison and Robert Fersh. This story-driven book is based largely on the authors’ direct experience of more than two decades each working to address intractable issues of public concern at the national, state and local levels. 

The webinar is intended to inspire and equip participants to become effective collaborative problem-solvers in their personal, professional, community, and public lives. A key focus of the webinar will be the mindsets that not only make us more likely to collaborate rather than clash over our disagreements, but also make us more successful in doing so. The webinar will also reinforce the value of preparing our own “inner selves” for success in collaborative problem-solving. This starts with finding ways to be as centered as possible, focused on listening well, and having the capacity not to be overly reactive to people and ideas we find disagreeable.

Learning objectives:

- Understanding the potential of collaborative problem-solving to address tough issues in a manner that provides mutual gains while building lasting relationships of trust.

- Understanding the fundamentals of how to problem-solve collaboratively on a wide range of issues and conflicts participants encounter in their private and public lives.

- Gaining an understanding of how collaborative problem-solving, if taken to scale, can contribute to healing divides and creating a less contentious society.

Register here for this free online event. Please note, this event has been standardized to the Eastern Time Zone.