In today’s polarized world, women leaders who have navigated immense barriers to reach the very highest levels encounter uncharted territory once they get to the top. They often face harsh judgments and heightened scrutiny. While some stakeholders may certainly be receptive, many others may either overtly or covertly raise concerns about women in leadership positions.
Drawing from her cutting-edge research, Aparna Joshi will share a stakeholder-first approach organizations can take to counteract bias and foster a more inclusive environment at the highest levels, helping to reduce friction and the spread of misinformation about women leaders in a polarized environment. She’ll discuss how mapping stakeholders and developing customized strategies based on motivations and the sources of uncertainty or anxiety can help resist or deter gender biases.
Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your understanding of a stakeholder-first approach and its implications for building a more equitable and inclusive leadership landscape. Join us to discover actionable insights and strategies you can implement in your organization to support women’s leadership and curb bias effectively.
Speaker - Aparna Joshi, Professor of Management & Organizations, University of Michigan
Host - Monica Worline, Faculty Director, Center for Positive Organizations
Register here for this free online event. Please note, this event has been standardized to the Eastern Time Zone.