Compassionate Leadership Certification Training
Next Eight-week Online Cohort Begins October 22, 2024
Tuition $1,250 – Save $400 with Super Early Bird Discount
Additional Savings for Nonprofits and Groups
Serves as Prerequisite for 2025 Compassionate Leadership Teacher Training
It’s time to become the compassionate leader you know you were born to be! Join a remarkable peer group of compassionate change-makers from around the world to explore the principles and practices that will transform your leadership and your life.
What will I gain by joining this Compassionate Leadership Certification Training program?
Our research-backed program will equip you with empowering tools and evidence-based practices to lead with compassion, courage, and confidence. The shift happens from the inside out. Our proven curriculum begins with a focus on the inner self, moves into the realm of relationships and organizational compassion, and then extends outward to systems change.
You will grow to:
Increase awareness of self, others, and your surroundings
Befriend your nervous system – overcome stress and burnout
Create cultures of safety, connection, and belonging
Build high-performing teams that are accountable and engaged
Navigate difficult conversations and give feedback skillfully
Apply courageous compassion to impact systems change
Expand organizational compassion utilizing the power of social architecture
“This training gave me the personal and professional tools to believe in the possibility of transformational change, and then to dare take the first steps.”
– University Administrator
What will this transformational compassionate leadership training experience look like?
We’ll gather in community live on Zoom to create a culture of compassionate learning and growth. We begin by laying the foundation with neuroscientific data and evidence-based leadership principles. Together, we integrate and embody these concepts with reinforcing practices, collaboration in small group breakouts, and through supportive conversation with the larger cohort community.
“The course provided an intentional mid-week break from our normal routines to gather, ground, learn, and cultivate compassion. I would recommend this course for anyone who is interested in learning some of the overarching theories and benefits of compassionate leadership, and who also wants to gain practical tools to implement compassionate practices within their lives and workplaces.”
– Senior Program Associate
Path for the Learning Journey
The participant experience includes:
Full coverage of the research-backed Compassionate Leadership Certification Training curriculum
Peer breakout groups for deeper exploration, connection, and skill-building
Customized practices, meditations, and reflections
Additional integration sessions for compassion practice and Q&A with lead faculty
Lifelong access to program materials and recordings posted online
“What I did experience was powerful on several levels; I felt deeply cared for by faculty and concluded each exploration feeling more informed with a sense of connection and inspiration.”
– Healthcare Executive Coach and Facilitator
Why me, and why now?
In this challenging and uncertain world, it often feels as if we are forced to choose between our own personal well-being, the protection of others, and the deliverance of peak leadership performance. Just like you, we’ve experienced this tug of war between precious internal resources and the weight of leadership responsibilities. We’ve created a transformational experience to help you align and strengthen your internal and external capacities to not only meet these challenges, but to thrive and flourish in the times ahead.
We all have so many questions. What are the steps? Can you prescribe the formula for the best outcome? As a community we’ll explore the possibilities, learn best practices, hone our skills, and support our shared intentions. While it’s true that each of our unique experiences and circumstances inform what works for us in the moment, together we will cultivate the wisdom and courage required to choose and act wisely, and contemplate the following questions related to compassionate leadership. Do you share some of these curiosities that are frequently raised by compassionate leaders?
How do I operationalize compassion to build high performing teams in my organization? Over half of the curriculum focuses on specific ways to bring more compassion into an organization, whether it is a large company or a solo practice.
Can I use compassion and still hold people accountable? Yes! We’ll show you how.
How can I use compassion to create a culture of belonging? Belonging is at the heart of living and leading compassionately. Together we learn how to expand our circle of belonging to include everyone.
Can I be compassionate and still have difficult conversations? Yes! Not only that, but compassionate leadership can help you have difficult conversations more easily.
Can compassion help me strengthen my resilience, and avoid or reduce burnout? Yes! This course will help you deepen your inner compassion, understand the difference between compassion and empathy, and respect the limits of compassion. All of this will strengthen your resilience and help you avoid burnout.
“I’m grateful for feelings of preparedness around tragedies and how my organization can respond and lead with compassion.”
– NGO Chief-of-Staff
The evidence for compassionate leadership is clear.
Our training shares the evidence-based benefits that demonstrate the power of leading with compassion. This program offers an efficient and effective opportunity to integrate the tools and principles needed to be an impactful, compassionate leader.
The evidence-based benefits of compassionate leadership offer proven outcomes:
Stronger Individual and Organizational Resilience
Improved Financial Performance
Accelerated Learning and Agility
Clarity of Mission, Purpose and Values
Improved Employee Engagement and Retention
Richer Creativity and Innovation
More Effective Collaboration
Improved Service Quality
“The Compassionate Leadership program supports you and gives you ideas on the whys, what, and hows to assist our workplaces to be compassionate, purposeful, and psychologically safe for all employees. It's a great training to connect with others from around the world, to learn together and to share our experiences, insights, and hopes. I recommend this training to anyone seeking to transform their workplace for the greater good of all.”
– Mental Health Advocate and Leadership Coach
The evidence for our program’s effectiveness is clear, too.
In 2023, the Center for Compassionate Leadership completed an 18 month longitudinal study of the course curriculum by world-class educational evaluators at Claremont Graduate University. They found that participants showed statistically significant increases in:
Compassion for others
Compassion at work
90% of alumni said that they would recommend the course to their friends and colleagues. 70% of alumni interviewed said that they had seen changes in their organization as a result of this compassionate leadership training.
With this solid, independent verification of the program’s effectiveness, you can be assured of the benefits you’ll achieve for yourself and your organization by taking our Compassionate Leadership Certification Training.
“We were pleasantly surprised that we could influence the CEO who became part of the conversation of building compassionate culture and then supported us bringing this training to our internal teams.”
– Human Rights NGO Leader
“I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking to understand how compassionate leadership can be cultivated. This course offered an island of pause, reflection and learning in the middle of a busy week for 8 weeks. It was a weekly meeting I was sure never to miss!”
– Graduate Business School Professor
We are passionate about the quality of your experience.
Meaningful interpersonal connections create the foundation of your growth experience in our programs. Our class size is limited to ensure high-quality attention, engagement, and participation across our close-knit peer community. You will also have ample access to faculty to address your specific needs and concerns along the way. These peer and faculty networks serve as a new home base to support your own compassionate leadership journey.
The live online interactive format is tailored to the specific needs and questions of the cohort, as they arise in real time. Together we tackle the issues, challenges, and opportunities that are emerging in the field.
“The future is community. How do we build a community of care to take care of each other? This group is the seed for the future.”
– Executive Leadership Coach
How have other compassionate leaders transformed their lives since completing this training?
Compassionate Leadership Certification Training alumni around the world report that the program delivers a transformational experience for their growth and development within their internal landscape, in relationship to others, and the organizational impact they are making to the greater whole. Our courageous alumni now lead with compassion first – in their own lives, with their teams, and across their organizations. Alumni evaluations consistently rate the overall program experience as excellent, and 9 out of 10 would recommend the course to a friend or colleague.
“This course was an incredibly enriching experience. I especially enjoyed the deep connection we cultivated as a group which created a safe space for us to share our individual experiences and unique perspectives and challenges. It was a transformative eight weeks that left me feeling inspired and ready to lead with compassion, both personally and professionally.”
– Nonprofit Executive
“There is nothing more important, and nothing that will change relationships, systems and self so much than honing the skills of leadership so that they are dynamic and adaptive. This course did just that – it worked with the awareness that our leadership is dynamic in an ever changing globally connected world. And it brought together ways to be comfortable when leading compassionately, to be clear when leading kindly, to be perceptive when leading in challenges, to be true to self when leading for change.
– University Assistant Principal of Global Health
Stay Connected With Compassionate Leadership Training Alumni Around the World
We are constantly inspired by alumni changing the world! Just ask the 500+ leaders from 50 countries who have already been through our training programs. We gather monthly with alumni to stand together for change and to stay inspired and resourced. The work is hard, and we need each other to keep our commitment strong. Our alumni community is a unique and powerful resource to ensure success your compassionate leadership journey.
“This community brings so much insight, a place to stop and think about ambition.”
– University Administrative Director
Who benefits from this compassionate leadership certification training?
We welcome leaders from a wide range of for-profit and non-profit sectors, including education, healthcare, finance, technology, media, government, agriculture, international development, consulting, coaching, and HR. Whether you are a C-suite executive, division head, entrepreneur, investor, or a dedicated manager on a mission, you will find a deep sense of common purpose and belonging.
Over the years, we’ve certified leaders from JP Morgan Chase, Cap Gemini, the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Unilever, Stanford University, University of Notre Dame, University of Edinburgh, Cornell University, University of Virginia, Wharton School of Business, Portland Public Schools, Kaiser Permanente, and Sallie Mae, to name but a few.
“The training on Compassionate Leadership is a great opportunity to self-audit, share challenges and opportunities with fellow colleagues in similar circumstances, and start a new journey with optimism.”
– NGO Country Director
A look inside the transformational learning journey module by module.
Our research backed Compassionate Leadership curriculum fosters personal and leadership development from the inside out. The learning journey and curriculum are enhanced by connecting and supporting each other in a powerful peer community during the three-week program and beyond.
Module 1
Igniting Our Community for Impact
Stepping into the Journey Together
Come together as a community with your colleagues and learn about compassionate leadership fundamentals from everyday practices to systems-changing force.
Module 2
The Case for Compassionate Leadership
Science, Organizational Evidence, and Model for Integration
Gain an understanding of the science of compassion, the evidence supporting the power of compassion in organizations, and the challenges to compassionate leadership.
Module 3
The Role of the Leader
Courageously Bringing Systems Change
Learn how to apply courageous compassion and take action to change systems from the inside out.
Module 4
Anchoring Our Leadership with Inner Strength
Inner Work of Compassionate Leadership:
Awareness, Self-Compassion, and Vulnerability
Deepen your ability to lead from a grounded, anchored place supported by awareness, self-compassion, and resilience.
Module 5
Building a Culture of Compassion
Psychological Safety, Mindset, and Resilience
Learn how to create a culture of compassion through evidence-based organizational leadership principles and skills.
Module 6
Fostering Belonging in Organizations
Inclusion for Everyone: Othering, Bias, and Belonging
Explore new perspectives and tools to foster a culture of belonging in organizations for everyone.
Module 7
Communication as a Transformational Tool
Compassionate Communication and Feedback
Develop the skills to have difficult conversations and share meaningful feedback with colleagues.
Module 8
Interconnectedness and Impact
Integrating Compassion and Leadership for the Benefit of All
Chart your personal path and commit to integrate compassion into your daily life and leadership for the benefit of all.
Integration and Practice Sessions, including Q&A with Lead Faculty
In addition to the eight main modules, we will host six additional sessions for integration, practice, and Q&A.
Each integration session will feature a compassion and/or awareness practice to strengthen our skills and broaden our capacities. The practices will reinforce principles from the curriculum covered during the main course modules. Together we will explore the power of these practices in community. We’ll have time and space to experience which ones feel most appropriate for our unique individual and organizational situation.
After practice, there will be time for question and answers on anything related to the core content, compassionate leadership in general, or the practices.
“I feel transformed by the course and confident about practicing compassionate leadership.”
– Anonymous
Compassionate Leadership Certification Training Tuition and Team Discounts
The course investment is $1,250 USD. There is a Super Early Bird discount of $400 available through August 15, 2024, bringing the course investment to $850.
Groups and teams of three or more each receive an additional 10% discount.
“I could not have taken the Compassionate Leadership Certification Training at a better time. I walked away from the course with skills that are beneficial to my personal and professional life. The participants were from all over the world and brought varied experiences and expertise, which added additional value to the course. Not only did I learn a great deal from the presenters, I gained a wealth of knowledge from the other participants. I received tangible leadership skills that I will be able to incorporate into my department and overall organization.”
– University Director
“A safe place to feel what you feel and not be judged.”
– Planning Specialist
“The course gave me a sense of security that you can speak about compassion openly and make it something tangible.”
– Anonymous
About the Center for Compassionate Leadership
The nonprofit Center for Compassionate Leadership convenes and supports a global community of transformational leaders dedicated to building a new world of connection, safety, belonging, equity, and justice. Together we are courageously pioneering solutions to the great challenges of our time through the lens of compassion, love, and flourishing.
This exceptional Compassionate Leadership Certification Training is based on decades of leadership experience and wisdom practice, coupled with emerging neuroscientific and organizational evidence to validate our embodied knowing. Hundreds of alumni that have been through the journey are positively impacting the world in remarkable ways.
Our Certification Programs are one pillar of the Center’s efforts to spread compassion throughout the world. We also run customized in-person and online compassionate leadership training for a broad range of institutions, including The Carter Center, BP, Cornell University, Task Force for Global Health, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, and Tanzanian National Institute of Medical Research to name a few.
The momentum of our individual and collective action is how we change ourselves, organizations, systems, and the larger whole. Never underestimate even the smallest act of compassion – its ripples are a powerful and essential contribution to the larger river of all life.
Lead Faculty
Laura Berland
Laura Berland, Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Compassionate Leadership, serves as Lead Faculty for the Center’s public certification programs, customized training for organizations, and Compassionate Leadership Teacher Training. At the Center for Compassionate Leadership, she has developed a new model for these turbulent times that melds evidence-based principles of modern leadership and the latest scientific research with the wisdom of contemplative practices.
She has been a weaver of transformative organizations and experiences, as a serial media and tech entrepreneur, Fortune 500 executive, transformational facilitator, nonprofit board member, meditation educator, yoga therapist, and executive advisor. She is an E-RYT500 (accredited educator) from Yoga Alliance, and C-IAYT (certified yoga therapist) from International Association of Yoga Therapists. Laura is an alumna of Cornell University and New York University.
Evan Harrel
Evan Harrel, co-founder of the Center for Compassionate Leadership, serves as Faculty Director and Curriculum Development Lead for the Center’s public certification programs, customized training for organizations, and Compassionate Leadership Teacher Training. He directs the Center’s thought leadership efforts and the integration of scientific and business research into the work of the Center.
Previously, he worked for fifteen years in the nonprofit field, including as an executive director and as a consultant and board member to several nonprofits. Evan has taught about compassion to both nonprofit organizations and for-profit corporate boards.
Prior to beginning work in the nonprofit sector, Evan was an investment manager for over twenty years where he managed a thirty-billion-dollar equity mutual fund. He was awarded a Master of Business Administration degree, with distinction, from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, from Princeton University.
Burrell Poe
Burrell Poe serves as Lead Faculty for our Compassionate Leadership Certification Trainings as well as for Compassionate Leadership Teacher Training. He is the Director of the Goldin Institute’s Chicago Peace Fellows program where he brings people together as a community of practice, learning and working together to promote peace at a grassroots level. He has been actively involved in his community on the West Side of Chicago since he was 10 years old.
Burrell is a US Army veteran and has extensive experience as a nonviolence trainer, community organizer, and workshop facilitator. He is passionate about creating social and environmental justice throughout the world and has strengthened peacebuilding, compassion, and reconciliation from Chicago to Colombia and Uganda. He has been a certified Compassion Cultivation Training Instructor since 2015, and has worked with Compassion It, the Institute for Nonviolence Chicago, and the Mikva Challenge in his devotion to creating a more compassionate world. Burrell embodies his environmental justice care through his commitment to biking, gardening, and composting.
“The Compassionate Leadership Certification Program is a great opportunity to do self-audit, share challenges and opportunities with fellow colleagues in pretty much similar circumstances and start a new journey with lot of optimism.”
– Global Executive
If you are ready to lead with compassion, come join us.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the format of the online Compassionate Leadership Certification Program?
Each session includes live discussion and training with a focus on experiential learning through practices and exercises, as well as small group breakouts with your peers.
All course materials and additional resources will be posted online and available for lifelong access. You are encouraged to attend as many live sessions as possible, but session recordings will be available in case you miss a live session.
How many hours of work are required to complete the certification? Is there homework?
There are eight weekly modules 1.5 hours each, for a total of 12 hours of group class time. There is no formal homework; however there will be reflection questions that you may contemplate on your own and additional reading should you choose to go deeper.
There are additional one-hour sessions available to meet with lead faculty and peers for integration, practice, Q&A and open discussion.
Will I have access to lead faculty?
Yes. Each session is designed with opportunities to engage in dialogue around participant questions. Additionally, lead faculty will host two supplemental integration sessions where you will be able to ask additional questions or discuss a topic in more detail.
What technology is required to access the course?
Live sessions will be conducted on the Zoom platform. You will need a free subscription to Zoom to connect to the course. Zoom may be accessed through computers, tablets, or any mobile phone. If you need further information on Zoom, please visit to sign up for free.
How does the program address Trauma-Informed leadership?
There are few people or organizations that have not been faced with trauma, loss, or suffering. This is especially true and more urgent in the wake of the pandemic. Yet many leaders are reluctant to address these challenges with individuals, with teams, and with their organization. We prepare leaders to be trauma-informed by courageously utilizing the lens of compassion, bringing a heightened level of awareness, care, and concern to every encounter.
Trauma-informed leaders create conditions of safety and support, where everyone can acknowledge, heal, and grow from the most difficult circumstances. You will find that trauma-informed and trauma-sensitive best practices are woven throughout our compassionate leadership training.
Will I receive a certificate upon completing this program?
Yes, you will receive a Certificate of Completion from the Center for Compassionate Leadership. Certificates will be delivered electronically, so that they can be shared on LinkedIn or other digital channels.
Do I have life-long access to the course material?
Yes, you will be able to access the materials and recordings at any time in the future.
What are the fees for the program?
The regular course investment is $1,250 USD. There is a Super Early Bird discount of $400 available through August 15, 2024, bringing the course investment to $850. Groups and teams of three or more each receive an additional 10% discount.
Full registration and payment details will be sent in response to your application.
What payment methods are accepted for the program?
Payment may be made directly online with a major credit card or via PayPal or an invoice can be sent directly to your organization.
Are scholarships available?
Yes. We strive to make the course and community available to all individuals and organizations dedicated to compassionate leadership. We offer a limited number of partial and full scholarships to highly qualified candidates. If you would like to be considered for a scholarship, please complete this application, which includes both the course application and scholarship application material.
What is covered in the program fee? Are there any additional costs?
The program fee covers the entire training, access to the live Zoom sessions, and lifetime access to session recordings, program materials, and the ongoing alumni community. There are no additional fees.
Can my organization pay for the program?
Yes. We can invoice your organization directly or provide you with an invoice to submit.
Are group rates available?
Yes. Some organizations send several team members together to build an internal base of compassionate leadership community and support. We are pleased to offer an additional 10% discount if three or more employees at your organization want to participate in the same cohort. Please contact for details.
Can I participate from anywhere in the world?
Yes, indeed. The program was developed for global leaders around the world. Sessions are delivered online and are available from anywhere Zoom can be accessed with an internet connection or telephone line.
Still curious or have additional program questions?
We'd love to hear from you. Email us at
“Applying self compassion to leadership, effective communication and greater awareness are invaluable and will help build kinder, better more appropriate structures.”
– Global NGO Executive