Compassion definition

Is Compassionate Leadership an Oxymoron?

Is Compassionate Leadership an Oxymoron?

Many people think that leadership and compassion don’t belong together. In reality, they strengthen and complement each other. Leaders who lead with compassion get better results, and the compassion we so profoundly need in this world will be developed most effectively if our leaders are acting compassionately and spreading compassion.

What Is Compassionate Leadership?

What Is Compassionate Leadership?

For our inaugural blog post, we thought we’d start with a question we are all curious about, Compassionate Leadership: “What is it?” First, let’s start with a shared understanding of compassion. A classic definition of compassion is the desire to alleviate the suffering of others. When we break that down, we believe that effective compassion requires three elements: an awareness of others and their feelings, an empathetic response to their condition, and finally an ability and desire to act. The key is putting compassion into action.