It has been a banner year for the growth of compassionate leadership, with a bounty of valuable books that amplify the urgent call to deepen our understanding of how we act as humans in a global community, how we act with compassion to connect us, and how we can cooperatively face today’s deep existential challenges. We hope they capture the attention of your mind and the intention of your heart.
Top Compassionate Leadership Books of 2022
Given the existential threats we face, this year’s selections embody relevant compassionate leadership themes: start from a grounded place, be aware of what truly is, see the whole picture to change the system, embrace systemic complexities and paradox, and be courageous in action. We hope the wisdom in these books will contribute meaningfully to your compassionate leadership journey.
Top Five Compassionate Leadership Books of 2021
We present our top five books on compassionate leadership for 2021! This has been a stellar year for books supporting the movement towards compassionate leadership, making the selection of the top five quite challenging. Whether for yourself, your team, or as a gift for an admired or aspiring compassionate leader in your life, any of these five books offer a wonderful way to launch into 2022.