john a. powell

Notable Books of 2024

Notable Books of 2024

It has been a banner year for the growth of compassionate leadership, with a bounty of valuable books that amplify the urgent call to deepen our understanding of how we act as humans in a global community, how we act with compassion to connect us, and how we can cooperatively face today’s deep existential challenges. We hope they capture the attention of your mind and the intention of your heart.

From Othering to Belonging

From Othering to Belonging

Exclusion and othering are as old as humanity, with tragic impacts. The marginalized suffer violence, poorer health outcomes, shorter lifespans, food insecurity, reduced access to work and housing, and routine indignities in everyday interactions. There is hope, however. The same neuroscience that explains our urge to other also shows us the way forward and away from othering.