compassion gap

What We’re Reading Now

What We’re Reading Now

Compassionate leaders are well-served by integrating head, heart, and body knowledge. One of our favorite ways of strengthening our head knowledge is curling up with a well-written book and exploring the themes and wisdom within. Here are a few recent reads that would be valuable for any compassionate leader to dig into.

Is It Okay to Play?

Is It Okay to Play?

Work has always been serious. On top of this, COVID-19 has disrupted most of our work norms, and we are finally facing a global reckoning after centuries of systemic racism. Is it okay to have fun, too? YES! Playfulness, fun, spontaneity, and silliness are all attributes that contribute to organizational success, and will help us to thrive in the face of the very serious challenges of the world.

Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey – Results First Look

Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey – Results First Look

Survey results are in! We received over 200 responses from twenty-two countries to our recent Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey. Here are some of the initial high-level points we take away after a preliminary review of the data and the open-ended responses.

Closing the Compassion Gap – Dr. Helen Riess on the Role of Empathy and Compassion in Healthcare

Closing the Compassion Gap – Dr. Helen Riess on the Role of Empathy and Compassion in Healthcare

In her keynote at the 2019 Compassion in Action Healthcare Conference, Helen Riess, MD, discusses the origins of the compassion gap, why it matters, and the way forward for those wanting to strengthen the state of compassionate care in American medicine.