compassionate organizations

Building High-Quality Connections: Networks

Building High-Quality Connections: Networks

Too often organizations break down into functional silos that separate or frustrate one another, or worse, pit one department or individual against another.

As leaders, it’s our responsibility to craft the ways in which all the people within the organization can depend on one another as we work towards common goals. We do this through networks…

Rest and Restoration

Rest and Restoration

We may be able to rush to the top, be prepared for on-going circumstances, and push through the pain, but if we fail to rest, we fail to fully succeed. Even leaders deserve time and space to build in times of rest. To do so is a compassionate choice for yourself and those you lead.

Conspiring for Good

Conspiring for Good

From the moment we wake, headlines scream at us and videos cause our stomachs to lurch. It’s tempting to tune out when paying attention can be overwhelming, but a multitude of voices remind us that the time for compassion is now. We’re not strangers to threats to humanity and the planet. The impacts of climate change, social injustice, war and the suffering these forces cause are very present.