In our exploration of the elements of compassion, we have examined awareness and connection – the foundations that allow us to truly see and engage with others. Now, we turn our attention to empathy, the third essential component. Empathy is the emotional resonance that brings us into deeper alignment with the experiences of others. It is the bridge between noticing suffering and taking meaningful action.
Bridging the Gap
After a divisive election, as compassionate citizens and leaders we can choose not to see the options, the action of others, or our own actions through a black and white dualistic lens. We each have the power to choose reconnection and reconciliation and broaden our lens of perception. Try practicing these four approaches to constructing a more cooperative, compassionate world after the election…
Building High-Quality Connections: Networks
Too often organizations break down into functional silos that separate or frustrate one another, or worse, pit one department or individual against another.
As leaders, it’s our responsibility to craft the ways in which all the people within the organization can depend on one another as we work towards common goals. We do this through networks…
Leading for a More Compassionate World
Compassion in leadership is exactly what is needed in these challenging times. Trailblazing leaders already bringing this approach into their organizations see the positive impact and change, and at the same time recognize that the path is not easy. If we are to lead compassionately, we must first be willing to non-judgmentally acknowledge things as they are, not as we wish they would be.
Rebuilding Our Connections to Each Other
We are seeing a backlash to the backlash to “return to the office.” As organizations set rules for physical presence, workers pushed back. Now, there’s a new concern: the absence of spontaneous and casual interactions that occur in person. We’re a relational species, and times demand we create more intention around nurturing relationships. Use these 3 steps to deepen connections to your colleagues and strengthen your teams.
The Bookends of Compassionate Leadership
The journey of life and leadership is a never-ending series of cycles, requiring different optimal action depending on the circumstances. There are two constants central to the work of every compassionate leader: self-compassion and the recognition of our shared common humanity. These two provide a powerful foundation for compassionate leaders to act, and guide their choice of the approach to use.
Compassion Over Hate
The anger and hate currently growing in the United States are deeply troubling. But how do we respond? It takes a great deal of courage to resist the urge to scream back at someone screaming at you, but that is exactly what we need to do. Take these four steps to use your compassion to respond productively to hate.
Changing the System
Things feel overwhelming right now in ways that they haven’t felt in a very long time. This level of disruption makes it easy to feel that change is beyond our control or power. Compassionate leaders know there ARE things that we can do to bring change forward. Consider these three ideas to help settle yourself into a place of empowerment, and focus yourself for change.
The Compassionate Leader Interview with Chris Whitehead
Laura Berland and Evan Harrel of the Center for Compassionate Leadership recently sat down with Chris Whitehead for his podcast, The Compassionate Leader Interview. Listen to the podcast here and read a summary of the interview. (Note: Podcast was recorded prior to COVID-19 galvanizing everyone’s focus, and therefore does not touch on the global pandemic.)
Language Matters: Family Holiday Version
The holidays can bring out the best and the unintended worst in many of us. Try showing up with good intentions, stay grounded, and pay attention to your language. Although the challenges might reach back through generations, and have felt impossible to overcome in the past, you might just discover that you feel more at ease with a positive language and mindset.