
Compassion: The Legacy of Muhammad Ali

Compassion: The Legacy of Muhammad Ali

In the midst of growing polarization and division in the world, research shows that there is a “growing national interest for empathy and understanding.” The just-launched Muhammad Ali Compassion Index offers data on the state of compassion and recommendations to inform the changes needed for a more compassionate world. Read more about the recommendations on the blog.

Reframe and Recalibrate

Reframe and Recalibrate

September brings reminders of limited time before the calendar year ends. How many weeks left in the year? Not many! If you are looking at a very full plate of to-dos, is there a more compassionate series of thoughts and actions that will ease the path forward? How might you reorient your personal and organizational compass and recalibrate the long-term goals you set at the start of the year?

Never Say No to Compassion

Never Say No to Compassion

In this Compassionate Leadership Case Study, we explore how Pinuccia Contino, the Deputy Director for Consumers – European Commission, used a department reorganization as an opportunity to link the power of well-being and compassion to the pillars of her department’s work, aligning with both the values and purpose of the organization.

Embracing Our Vulnerability

Embracing Our Vulnerability

We often respond to challenge with the belief that vulnerability is weakness. Older command and control models of success often include stoic leaders in stuffy suits looking down on others with orders or mandates. These times call for us to shed such old beliefs and embrace our humanity. Compassionate leadership offers us the path to becoming a strong, effective leader through connection and care.

Your Roadmap for Compassionate Leadership, Part 1

Your Roadmap for Compassionate Leadership, Part 1

The urgency for compassionate leadership in this world is stronger than ever. For those interested in developing their own compassionate leadership capacities, we offer a roadmap to developing these skills over the next three weeks. This week’s post covers four dimensions of individual compassionate leadership, and will be followed by posts on organizational dimensions, and the tools to use to develop your skills.