Core Curiosities of Compassionate Leaders

Core Curiosities of Compassionate Leaders

This week, two new cohorts began their eight-week journey in our Compassionate Leadership Certification Training. We asked these incoming leaders from around the world about their top curiosities pertaining to compassionate leadership. Are your curiosities similar to theirs?

Building Culture for Change

Building Culture for Change

The dizzying pace of change today is accompanied by growing uncertainty. We humans are uncomfortable with uncertainty and change. How can compassionate leaders break through resistance to change? By keeping humans at the center, creating learning culture, leading collaboratively, and practicing courageous compassion.

Are You Being Kind to Yourself?

Are You Being Kind to Yourself?

Does your inner voice ever say things to yourself that you would never say to others? Do you find it hard to forgive yourself for mistakes or bounce back after a setback? We can all strengthen our capacity for self-kindness by recognizing its gifts, understanding our resistance to it, and practicing to become the leader that creates a culture of safety and caring.

Embracing Paradox

Embracing Paradox

People who are able to hold the tension between two conflicting demands, without feeling forced to choose between the two, can be said to have a paradox mindset. Those who utilize such a mindset have been shown to exhibit greater levels of creativity, adaptability, and productivity. But doing this is not easy. Here we examine three fundamental practices of compassionate leadership to help you target your development in ways that support your capacity to embrace paradox.

Top Compassionate Leadership Books of 2022

Top Compassionate Leadership Books of 2022

Given the existential threats we face, this year’s selections embody relevant compassionate leadership themes: start from a grounded place, be aware of what truly is, see the whole picture to change the system, embrace systemic complexities and paradox, and be courageous in action. We hope the wisdom in these books will contribute meaningfully to your compassionate leadership journey.

Can You Care Too Much?

Can You Care Too Much?

As a compassionate person and a compassionate leader, caring is a core value that motivates us and shapes our purpose. Yet when our caring impulses exceed our caring capacity, we burn out. Here are strategies to make sure that we fulfill our caring motivations in the most beneficial way.

Stepping Into Action

Stepping Into Action

Throughout history, the action of courageous individuals has led humanity through challenging moments into a period of greater flourishing. How do compassionate leaders respond in the face of challenge without disengaging, burning out or becoming overwhelmed? We all want to play our part, as far as we can. Here are some ways to help move into action and make a positive contribution.

Courageously Changing the World with Compassion

Courageously Changing the World with Compassion

In celebration of this week’s International Day of Peace, we would like to share the article we wrote for this summer’s Peace Chronicle, the journal of the Peace and Justice Studies Association. Peace and justice require us to address the systemic issues underlying and causing suffering. Systems change is where courage and compassion come together to make a difference in our challenged world.

Rebuilding Our Connections to Each Other

Rebuilding Our Connections to Each Other

We are seeing a backlash to the backlash to “return to the office.” As organizations set rules for physical presence, workers pushed back. Now, there’s a new concern: the absence of spontaneous and casual interactions that occur in person. We’re a relational species, and times demand we create more intention around nurturing relationships. Use these 3 steps to deepen connections to your colleagues and strengthen your teams.

Compassionate Leadership: The Antidote to Quiet Quitting

Compassionate Leadership: The Antidote to Quiet Quitting

Quiet quitting is the practice of meeting the requirements of the job and doing no more. Whatever the cause or interpretation of quiet quitting, it doesn’t address the root cause for all involved. Compassionate leaders are particularly well equipped to prevent quiet quitting or heal the troubles behind it.