Book Review: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

Book Review: White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

In White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism, Robin DiAngelo carefully examines the roots of the modern American racial structure and the reasons it is so difficult to acknowledge the pervasiveness of racial bias. She offers a path forward for white people to dismantle the grossly inequitable structure within which we all live.

How Do Compassionate Leaders Handle Layoffs?

How Do Compassionate Leaders Handle Layoffs?

When it comes to layoffs, the research is clear: avoid them when you can. Layoffs can have a highly detrimental impact by eroding trust, undermining shared values, and increasing negative behaviors. Yet there are times, like the current crisis, when layoffs may be an unavoidable reality for your organization. How can you lead compassionately while carrying out such a painful agenda?

The Compassionate Leader Interview with Chris Whitehead

The Compassionate Leader Interview with Chris Whitehead

Laura Berland and Evan Harrel of the Center for Compassionate Leadership recently sat down with Chris Whitehead for his podcast, The Compassionate Leader Interview. Listen to the podcast here and read a summary of the interview. (Note: Podcast was recorded prior to COVID-19 galvanizing everyone’s focus, and therefore does not touch on the global pandemic.)

Leader and Team Member Emotional Responses – Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey Results

Leader and Team Member Emotional Responses – Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey Results

In our recent survey on “Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos,” we asked respondents which emotions they have been experiencing during the crisis. The responses of leaders and team members diverged substantially, and leaders can learn and take action based on these differences. We recommend the steps to take in order to build more effective teams.

Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey – Results First Look

Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey – Results First Look

Survey results are in! We received over 200 responses from twenty-two countries to our recent Compassionate Leadership Amid the Chaos Survey. Here are some of the initial high-level points we take away after a preliminary review of the data and the open-ended responses.

Compassionate Leadership in the Time of Zoom

Compassionate Leadership in the Time of Zoom

In our conversations with many colleagues around the globe since the shelter-in-place rules went into effect a few short weeks ago, we’ve noticed how leaders are translating their compassionate leadership style to the virtual environment. Along with our own experiences teaching, facilitating, and convening on Zoom since its debut, we share these observations and ideas for weaving more compassion into your new regime of leading by remote connection.

We Are All Just Human

We Are All Just Human

In one unexpected fell swoop, the boundaries between work and home came tumbling down. Now that this genie is out of the bottle, what will we do with it?

Awakening to Our Interconnectedness

Awakening to Our Interconnectedness

The COVID-19 virus is a wake-up call to our shared common humanity and to develop truly global compassion. The threats we face today are global in scale. If we are to thrive, we must act compassionately toward our village, which is simply the entire world.

Compassion Amid the Chaos

Compassion Amid the Chaos

What can compassionate leaders do in this moment of unprecedented chaos? How do you instill confidence, trust, transparency, open communications, and encourage the team to stay positive? How do you embody compassionate leadership?

Wisdom 2.0 Recap

Wisdom 2.0 Recap

This year’s Wisdom 2.0 conference, in San Francisco March 5-7, drew thousands from around the world who showed up to connect despite COVID-19 concerns. The conference and its satellite events champion “to not only live connected to one another through technology, but to do so in ways that are beneficial to our own well-being, effective in our work, and useful to the world.” Read our takeaways…