Compassionate action is where awareness, generous interpretation, and empathy take shape in the real world. True compassion calls us to act with both nurturing care and courageous resolve. While we cannot eliminate all suffering, we can respond with intention, offering what is possible. In organizations, compassionate action is the bridge between values and practice.
Interpreting Generously: The Heart of Compassionate Connection
Compassion begins with awareness. Yet, awareness alone is not enough. To truly embody compassion, we must take the next step – connection, the bridge that transforms our awareness into meaningful action. It requires the belief that a person – whether a colleague, friend, or stranger – is worthy of our attention and care, what Monica Worline and Jane Dutton refer to as “interpreting generously.”
Three Keys to Deeper Connections
Compassionate leaders know that quality connections are the building blocks of stronger relationships, and strong relationships lead to greater creativity and flourishing at work. Building high-quality connections flows from a focus on three key elements: positive regard, vitality, and mutuality. Explore how you can deepen your connections.
Curiosity Opens Possibility
This time of year invites reflection, planning, and setting intentions for the year to come. Compassionate leaders know there is space between where we are and what we wish to have happen. In those gaps exist objectives, goals, and strategies. In the same space is also room for compassion for ourselves and others. What could next year look like through the lens of curiosity for your leadership?
Returning to Our Nature
When was the last time you stepped outside and inhaled deeply? Perhaps you can recall a time you let your toes be tickled by grass, or stood in awe at the base of a mountain wall made of stone, craning your neck to see the blue sky. When was the last time gravel crunched under your feet, or a babbling brook laughed as it gurgled on by, while you sat, simply watching on stones nearby?
Creating a Greater Whole
We find ourselves at a unique time in history with pressures pushing in on us on multiple levels. For those who feel deeply and those seeking to make positive impacts, we know the pressure is both an overwhelming force and an invitation to explore yet another aspect of both/and spaces. We’ve been peeling back the truths found in polarities over the last few weeks, and continue in our series. This week we delve into the tension in individual compassion vs. organizational compassion.
Compassionate Leadership in Times of Crisis
We are pleased to share the perspectives of our colleague Nida Balamur, a participant in the current Compassionate Leadership Certification Program cohort, reporting from the front lines of the 2023 Turkish earthquakes. We are grateful for her heartfelt perspectives on empathy and compassion during this devastating time.
Our Differences, Our Similarities
What we perceive in others impacts how we respond to them. What do you see when you look at another human being? Do you see characteristics that differentiate you and the other person, or do you see traits that are the same? Are you able and willing to see both the difference and the commonality? Compassionate leaders know the importance of seeing both through ongoing practice.
Barriers to Compassion
Learning to move past resistance, restraint, and roadblocks is a key part of personal and leadership development. Barriers to practicing our innate capacity for compassion can show up in many different ways. Let’s explore three barriers to compassion - distraction, judgment, and fear – and how we can intentionally move to the full expression of our compassionate nature.
The Wisdom of Nature
Happy Earth Day 2021! Earth Day reminds us of the interconnection of everyone and everything, and the opportunity to reflect on how that profound wisdom can influence our lives and our leadership. Today, and every day, take a pause to acknowledge this amazing globe on which we live and the role we play in sustaining it.