
Catalyzing Change for Good: Culture

Catalyzing Change for Good: Culture

While the discourse has advanced beyond the call for more than ping pong tables, we know creating spaces where people feel positive about their organizations and their role in it is complex work. Culture is subtle because it is expressed through the way we experience an organization and how the setting shapes our thoughts and actions.



Awe changes us. The changes are beneficial for our inner wellbeing as well as for our relationships, sense of possibility, feelings of satisfaction, and happiness. We can experience awe anywhere we are. The more we practice, the more equipped we will be to lead compassionately.

Creating Compassionate Boundaries

Creating Compassionate Boundaries

In the midst of the turmoil and chaos of these times, setting or resetting boundaries is one of the most important compassionate leadership moves to create a thriving organization. Good boundaries connect us to each other, focus us, and support our wellbeing. Boundaries also protect us. When you map out clear boundaries, especially in collaboration with your team, you set up everyone for success.

Compassionate Leaders Go First

Compassionate Leaders Go First

Speaking up can be a scary act. Examples abound of leaders who shoot messengers bringing opinions that differ from what they want to hear. Creating cultures that celebrate those willing to speak up and become vulnerable starts with leaders. If you want others to take risks for you, show your own vulnerability and trust first. The benefits will show up in greater safety, connection and belonging.