While the discourse has advanced beyond the call for more than ping pong tables, we know creating spaces where people feel positive about their organizations and their role in it is complex work. Culture is subtle because it is expressed through the way we experience an organization and how the setting shapes our thoughts and actions.
Perfectionism Is Imperfect
Aiming for perfect is a noble goal. The trouble is that perfection is not really possible, and we often ignore perfectionism's downright harmful effects. Tapping into our ambitions in a healthy way without going over the edge is possible. It requires an understanding of perfectionism itself, a recognition of our connection to others, and a willingness to set boundaries and limits.
Stop the Hiding
No one gets a pass. Not world-class athletes, CEOs, essential workers, parents, teachers, or our kids. We all suffer. We also have a choice about how we respond to suffering through our leadership. We can choose to work together to find a response, or we can turn away. What kind of culture are you modeling and creating in your organization?
Be a Compassionate Champion for Mental Health
Given that mental health challenges don’t show up as clearly as the death in a co-worker’s family or a broken arm, how do we create compassionate organizations of mental health awareness and support? Starting with human relationships allows leaders to address the human needs of their team members while advancing organizational goals.
Burnout Moves From the Top Down
The COVID pandemic has exacerbated what was already a problem of epidemic proportions: burnout and overwhelm. As we emerge from the pandemic, will we learn the lessons of the costs of burnout and find better solutions as we move forward? Relieving burnout must start with organizations, and compassionate leaders can change their organizations by changing themselves.