Compassionate leadership starts with compassion. While we may not hear compassion much in organizational settings, it is a necessity for the success of leaders, their organizations, and the world. So, let’s explore: What is compassion?
The Need for Compassion in the Complexity of Medicine
Guest blogger Louis Ako-Egbe, MD is a health systems strengthening specialist with the World Health Organization and an alum of our Compassionate Leadership in Global Health certification program. We are privileged to share his perspective on the importance of combining compassion with technical competence to strengthen healthcare delivery.
What We’re Reading Now
Why Compassion Matters for Leadership Development
As individuals seek to grow their capacity to lead, what role can compassion play? Through its ability to strengthen leaders, enhance team results, build cultures of safety, connection, and belonging, and ultimately create a world of flourishing for everyone, compassion is central to leadership development.
From Separation to Connection
Research shows in recent years that 60% of Americans are deemed to be lonely. We all feel it to some degree, and our mental and emotional health is compromised as a result. In fact, lacking social connection, both at work and in our personal lives, can have as negative an impact on a person’s mortality as smoking, hypertension, or physical inactivity.
You Are Not Your Job
We choose our work based on its alignment with our own values and needs. We naturally identify with work in valuable and healthy ways. If we take this identification too far, it can become harmful. Overidentification can have harmful impacts on both our personal and our professional lives. Foundational practices of inner compassion can support compassionate leaders in avoiding the pitfalls of overidentifying with work.
Steering Clear of Compassion Collapse
We have a front row seat to all the suffering around the globe as our communication capacity grows and the world shrinks. Research shows that as suffering increases our compassionate feeling decreases. Is this the most helpful response? Compassionate leaders must recognize that we are at risk for compassion collapse and that leaning into our emotions is the way through. This will support our ability to respond compassionately, and tap into the regenerative nature of compassion to keep us resourced.
Book Review: "Running on Empty: Navigating the dangers of burnout at work," by Amy Bradley and Katherine Semler
Burnout is an unsettling and an unsettled topic. Just released in the US, Running on Empty: Navigating the dangers of burnout at work, by Amy Bradley and Katherine Semler shows what we do know about burnout: the experience is brutal. Using a unique individual narrative approach, Running on Empty brings a new perspective to addressing the challenges of burnout.
Perfectionism Is Imperfect
Aiming for perfect is a noble goal. The trouble is that perfection is not really possible, and we often ignore perfectionism's downright harmful effects. Tapping into our ambitions in a healthy way without going over the edge is possible. It requires an understanding of perfectionism itself, a recognition of our connection to others, and a willingness to set boundaries and limits.
Compassionate Leadership in Times of Crisis
We are pleased to share the perspectives of our colleague Nida Balamur, a participant in the current Compassionate Leadership Certification Program cohort, reporting from the front lines of the 2023 Turkish earthquakes. We are grateful for her heartfelt perspectives on empathy and compassion during this devastating time.